Wouldn't it be cool if the initials for my first and middle name were J and K?
J.K. Rowan
Rowan, J.K.
Wouldn't it be cool if the initials for my first and middle name were J and K?
J.K. Rowan
The game "Identify the Smell" was played in the break room during my lunch break. First, someone stopped in to get water and said it smelled like Fig Newtons. The second person who walked in said it was like "burnt sweetness," or maybe "burnt sweet nuts"? Not sure exactly.
. . . at the Timberlodge Collection! (This jingle comes to my brain every time I think of the phrase "living in Utah." Without fail.)
I got a Groupon-type deal of a different nature yesterday. Living Social is matching donations to the Red Cross for Japan relief efforts. Donate $5 and they'll give $10. Cool, no? Donate here.
I am blogging a lot today. Here and there.
I'm still thinking about food and bathrooms. Do you get grossed out by talk of bodily functions when you are eating? I don't particularly, but I know a lot of people do. What's behind this (no pun intended)?
The other day at work someone brought their food into the restroom. It was gross. Maybe she was taking her food somewhere to eat it and had a bowel attack suddenly, so I don't want to judge or anything . . . but . . .