How can I appreciate art (I'm talking about art in the sense of visual artwork here) at my level? I don't have the context for the method, theory, or history. So when I go to a museum or gallery and see something on display, how do I get something out of it? My experience at a lot of museums/galleries/places where art is presented is a little bit like this: Look at piece for five seconds, think "That looks cool," or maybe "That's weird," or "I don't get it," and then move on to next piece. Then I forget about everything I saw.
1 hour ago
I'm not entirely certain your way of appreciating art is a bad way . . .
I'm the same way. And I'm afraid to ever talk about it in front of people who are artistically knowledgeable because I'm afraid they'll think of me the way I think of people who say Twilight is their favorite book.
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