I'm feeling very nostalgic for school right now. This is a bit unusual for me. Certainly I've missed college in many ways. I feel like I had a lot more going on then, and my world felt bigger. It was nice to be busy and to be actively progressing toward a goal. I've been bored a lot since and have often felt stagnant.
26 April 2011
22 April 2011
i bought glasses online
It was a leap of faith, but I'm satisfied with the result. And I'm definitely okay with paying 20 dollars for a complete set of glasses, frames and lenses.
The website lets you "try them on" virtually before you buy. Here's what I was going off of:
20 April 2011
desperate for chapstick
economic insecurity
I don't really know how I feel about tax cuts for the wealthy, not really because of any strong leftist political views, but I just feel like those who have enough money to not have to worry about money (my definition of "economic security," which this article says you need about $68,000 a year to achieve for a family of four) don't really need more.
11 April 2011
phone woes
I really need to update contact information in my phone. Especially for Husband Tim: I have two numbers that are no longer valid saved under his name. One of them is a work phone number for a job he hasn't been at for almost a year. Another is his cell phone number. He hasn't had a cell phone now for a few months. I really should stop calling it "his," because I just found out last week it belongs to someone else.
"Is it bad that i steal feminine products from the bathroom on the second floor whenever i need them? i don't even attempt to bring them from home"
bigger than me
Contributing just $5 to the relief effort for Japan gives me a good feeling. I just looked at http://livingsocial.com/redcross and saw that over $2 million was raised. It makes me feel like I'm part of something bigger than myself. I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for that reason.
05 April 2011
seize and desist
Today I was editing something and saw the word cease used incorrectly. I looked at it for a full minute and looked it up on m-w.com before I realized what it should be: seize. I seriously thought, "Is there a sense of the word cease that means this? Maybe it's one of those words like cleave, peruse . . . " (you know, auto-antonyms, contronyms, antagonyms; whatever you want to call them, they're kind of interesting).