I'm finally starting to fit in pre-pregnancy jeans. I was thinking about it the other day, and I gained 40 pounds in 3.5 months at the end of my pregnancy. Now, 3.5 months post-partum, I've lost 40 or more. It makes me want to say something pithy and proud, like "Hey guys, check out my new weight-loss program! It's called having a baby!" In terms of weight loss in the usual sense, I suppose this is cheating, though. Also, I can't lie to myself and pretend I'm the bee's knees, physically. I'm egregiously unfit right now, weight loss aside.
But in case you wanted to know, other pithy sayings that describe my life currently might include, "My new perfume is called spit up, a.k.a. baby vomit." Gross, right? Generally it doesn't stain, though. And my philosophy about laundry has always been this: if it ain't stained, I ain't gonna wash it.
1 hour ago
With both of my pregnancies, I wanted to trick our Wii Fit and be weighed before delivery and after just to make it seem like I had actually accomplished a weight loss goal!
I also completely understand the perfume comment. There are days when I leave the NICU and I can just feel the smell on me. The antiseptic, poopy diaper, nurses/other parents, plastic/rubber, I feel like I need to de-grease when I get home.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Awesome!
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