14 February 2011

an obligatory post

Even though Valentine's Day doesn't make me feel lonely anymore because I am now a married woman, I still am not a huge fan of the holiday.

Because it is so commercialized, it seems to still have an ostracizing effect for many, like people who aren't romantically involved, or those who don't have much of a disposable income to spend on their loved one. Some would argue that the holiday can be broader, too, which is great, but you can't avoid thinking about it mainly as a day celebrating romantic love. (Maybe just out of tradition? Wikipedia tells me that it's been this way since the 14th century.)

There are certain elements of the holiday I like, and I like how people get creative with it. (Kate Spade's e-cards, for example, are very fun, I must agree.) And I know even if you lack a disposable income, you can still have fun with it. (The e-cards are free! Yeasayer is offering a free EP!)

Honestly, I could probably use some festivity, stop being lame, and get on the holiday train. I should have fun with holidays more. I don't do much. For this and other reasons, I worry that my kids will hate me. Maybe when I have kids, I'll be more interested in making big deals out of things like holidays, birthdays, and other random days of the year (for no apparent reason). For now, it doesn't really appeal to me.

In that vein, I'm giving Tim time (Tim time, haha) to spend with his other lover: homework. I've asked Meredith to be my valentine in his place. (She accepted. Yesssss!!)


Meredith said...

Yes!!! Who's gonna benefit from our awesome cupcakes we will be making??

Anonymous said...

Yay, I love that we agree on so many things. It is a shame we live so far apart. I don't really like Valentine's Day either, maybe if I have time I'll post about it.

But, I too loved Kate Spade's e-cards, I must admit.

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